27 March 2020
What to do About Overflowing Rubbish Bins
Read Time: 4 mins
We are in an unprecedented period of change. This is having an impact on our day to day lives in almost every way. Usually, our daily waste would be distributed between our home, the bin at work and perhaps the litter bin in the park. However, with the majority of the nation staying indoors, most of our rubbish is being disposed of in our homes and it’s inevitable that before long, our bins will be left overflowing.
The latest government figures reveal that UK households produced just under 27 million tonnes of waste in 2017. As we venture further into 2020, that figure only looks to be on the up. With an increased emphasis on home deliveries, dining at home and an uptake in housebound hobbies adding to the pile.
Whilst it remains each local authority’s responsibility to remove all waste from the designated bins of domestic premises, the increased volume of household waste coupled with staff shortages is starting to show the strain on refuse collection whilst the bins are already overflowing. This only serves to exacerbate the situation.
Of course, overflowing bins are not only unsightly but also hazardous with harmful implications for individuals, animals and the environment. This can heighten unhygienic conditions, attract pests and vermin and result in a reduction in recycling.

Parts of the country such as Luton, Sheffield and Liverpool have already started seeing certain bin collections being stopped or beginning to operate on a reduced schedule in order to prioritise household and clinical waste.
North Yorkshire, Coventry and Hampshire have seen local authority tips begin to be shut down with individuals being urged not to create additional unnecessary waste as services struggle to operate due to staff shortages. Recycling centres in Suffolk have also been temporarily shut down in the interests of public safety.
The use of bins in communal storage areas such as apartment blocks are particularly susceptible to the abandoning of bulky waste items, especially when other options are seemingly limited. Although these are shared spaces, the sense of responsibility is not always shared by all who use it. Whether it’s mattresses, cupboards or office chairs, the building up of big, bulky items presents a similar hazard to that of overflowing waste and litter bins.

Although often seen as a victimless crime of sorts, this is the ‘illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it’ and it is classed as fly-tipping. The abandoned items become the property owner’s responsibility to remove them as they present a hazard. Unfortunately, this also comes under the property owner’s responsibility to pay for the removal.
With regards to both the overflowing of rubbish bins and any potential fly-tipping, essential services such as Clearabee’s ‘man and van’ rubbish clearance service form an important part of the critical responses to current waste management complications. The ill, the elderly or the most vulnerable may find themselves unable to access civil amenity sites under the new social distancing guidelines set out by the government, even if they remain open in their area. As a result, a contactless rubbish removal service has never been more vital.
If overflowing rubbish bins have left you feeling that you could benefit from our services, then get in touch with us and let us do the rest.