A Guide to General Waste
General Waste Disposal: Get the Most out of your Bin
Read Time: 4 mins
A Guide to General Waste Contents:
General Waste Bins
General Waste Collection with Clearabee
General Waste Definition
General Waste Disposal: Get the Most out of your Bin
Make sure you use your bin correctly and consider having an additional collection.
The most common method to get rid of general rubbish of is the aforementioned general waste bin but it is by no means the most efficient on its own. You are at the mercy of how often your local council collects the bins and some are only being collected once every three weeks.
A justification as to why council general waste disposal has been reduced of late is due to the additional bins which have been provided. With bins for recycling and sometimes a separate bin for metal and paper recycling, this should alleviate the amount which ends up in your general waste bin. As such it should need collecting less frequently but in practice, this is not always the case.
After a busy weekend, you may end up with more general waste than you were anticipating. Scenarios like these, as well as the day-to-day general waste disposal can leave you with a full bin days away from your collection. Here we’ll look at a few tips on how to reduce your general waste and make your bin go the extra mile.
Make sure you produce as little food waste as possible
Planning is key when it comes to food waste, if you over-portion or cook too much of something this can leave you with a surplus of food. Some may take the easy route of throwing it away. If possible you should see if leftovers can be reused to avoid them occupying your bin.
An even better solution would to only buy what you know you will use. If you end up purchasing the same bread week-in-week-out and never end up finishing it, it may be time to look for a smaller alternative.
For those with garden space, a compost bin is an ideal solution.
Cut down on single-use plastics/items
Sandwich bags, toothpicks, cotton pads and shopping bags are all items that cannot be recycled and once used are thrown away. Although these are all small items, once your week or fortnight’s worth of these items are added together it may be taking up a substantial chunk of your general waste disposal.
It’s best to cut as much of these items out of your life as you can. The less single-use plastic you use, the less it impacts the environment, takes up less space in your bin, and will save you money by having to use reusable alternatives.
Be careful!
Every household has its clumsiest inhabitant who will end up breaking their fair share of plates, mugs and glasses. A cheap vase may be easily replaced but once broken but will be a pain to get rid of when it’s taking up space in your general waste bin.
If something is damaged but not destroyed you should check to see if it is repairable. An example might be a pair of jeans with a tear, they’ll be plenty of online guides to help you save them from going in the bin.
Everything in its right place
Make sure your waste is in the correct bin, if most of your recycling waste ends up in your general waste bin you’ll end up with one bin half empty and the other overflowing.
Additional Bin Collections
Most councils can provide additional bin collections but they are can be laborious to book and take a while to arrive. One of the best methods to get the most of your general waste disposal bin is with a Clearabee bin collection which will effectively double its capacity. Learn more in the next section or make a booking here.

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