Bathroom Removal Guide
How to Remove Tiles
Read Time: 4 mins
Bathroom Removal Guide Contents:
How to Remove a Bath
How to Remove a Bathroom Sink
How to Remove a Shower
How to Remove a Tap
How to Remove a Toilet
How to Remove Tiles
Knowing how to remove bathroom tiles is a simple skill that can end up saving you a lot of money. In our series of bathroom removal guides, this task is the easiest.
How to remove tiles from a wall – What you may need:

Step 1 – Saftey First
Before tackling this job it’s best to make protecting your own safety the first step. Safety glasses and gloves are an essential step due to the shards that can be created when lifting tiles from a wall. It’s also worthwhile wearing something that is long-sleeved to protect your skin from cuts.
Step 2 – Remove Grouting
You will want to remove as much as the grouting that surrounds the perimeter of each tile. This is what keeps each tile in place and stops them from moving around. You can use a utility knife to get rid of of most the grouting and use a chisel to get even more off if necessary.
Step 3 – Finding the First Tile
Another reason to get as much grouting off as you can is that it makes getting the first tile off a lot easier. This is often the trickiest task when removing tiles as you don’t have a lot of room to get a chisel underneath the tile. Use your hands to see if any tiles feel loose or a little wobbly as these will the easiest to lift.
Step 4 – Removing the First Tile
Try to fit your chisel in-between two tiles and attempt to prise one tile off of the wall. Because you wont be able to create too much leverage the tile may splinter and come off in a couple of pieces.
Step 5 – Remove Remaining Tiles
With the first tile you will be able to lay your chisel at a flatter angle to get it further underneath tiles. This should naturally lift tiles off from a wall or floor but you can use a hammer to knock your chisel further if not.
Step 6 – Scrape Wall
If you want to go the extra mile you can use a scaper to remove any remaining grouting or adhesive from the wall. Doing this will create a smooth service for you to then lay tiles on top of. If you are laying new tiles yourself, this will be an essential step.
How to remove tiles and clear the resulting waste
Renovating your bathroom can leave you with a lot of heavy and difficult waste on your hands. Clearabee can provide a number of different rubbish removal services to help with your needs and suit your scenario. If you want all of your tiles collected quickly you can bag them up and request a ‘Man & Van’ collection, see more below.
Clearabee Services
Just to recap Clearabee offer a wide range of services that will help you with the removal of your bulky waste items.

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How to Remove a Toilet
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